Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de harness

to harnessenjaezar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I harnessyo enjaezo
you harnesstú enjaezas
he harnessesél enjaeza
she harnessesella enjaeza
we harnessnosotros enjaezamos
you harnessvosotros enjaezáis
they harnessellos enjaezan
they harnessellas enjaezan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I harnessedyo enjaecé
you harnessedtú enjaezaste
he harnessedél enjaezó
she harnessedella enjaezó
we harnessednosotros enjaezamos
you harnessedvosotros enjaezasteis
they harnessedellos enjaezaron
they harnessedellas enjaezaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have harnessedyo he enjaezado
you have harnessedtú has enjaezado
he has harnessedél ha enjaezado
she has harnessedella ha enjaezado
we have harnessednosotros hemos enjaezado
you have harnessedvosotros habéis enjaezado
they have harnessedellos han enjaezado
they have harnessedellas han enjaezado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had harnessedyo había enjaezado
you had harnessedtú habías enjaezado
he had harnessedél había enjaezado
she had harnessedella había enjaezado
we had harnessednosotros habíamos enjaezado
you had harnessedvosotros habíais enjaezado
they had harnessedellos habían enjaezado
they had harnessedellas habían enjaezado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will harnessyo enjaezaré
you will harnesstú enjaezarás
he will harnessél enjaezará
she will harnessella enjaezará
we will harnessnosotros enjaezaremos
you will harnessvosotros enjaezaréis
they will harnessellos enjaezarán
they will harnessellas enjaezarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have harnessedyo habré enjaezado
you will have harnessedtú habrás enjaezado
he will have harnessedél habrá enjaezado
she will have harnessedella habrá enjaezado
we will have harnessednosotros habremos enjaezado
you will have harnessedvosotros habréis enjaezado
they will have harnessedellos habrán enjaezado
they will have harnessedellas habrán enjaezado

I would harnessyo enjaezaría
you would harnesstú enjaezarías
he would harnessél enjaezaría
she would harnessella enjaezaría
we would harnessnosotros enjaezaríamos
you would harnessvosotros enjaezaríais
they would harnessellos enjaezarían
they would harnessellas enjaezarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have harnessedyo habría enjaezado
you would have harnessedtú habrías enjaezado
he would have harnessedél habría enjaezado
she would have harnessedella habría enjaezado
we would have harnessednosotros habríamos enjaezado
you would have harnessedvosotros habríais enjaezado
they would have harnessedellos habrían enjaezado
they would have harnessedellas habrían enjaezado

Participio presenteAnotado
harnessing enjaezando

Participio pasadoAnotado
harnessed enjaezado

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